The Procedure
Your baby will swaddled and held by either a parent or our nurse. We use a sucrose pain relief and depending on the age of your baby lignocaine gel.
We use scissors to divide the tongue tie and the whole procedure will take about 5 minutes.
After the procedure your baby will be able to feed immediately and we will observe your baby for at least 30 minutes.
Bleeding – A small amount of bleeding is normal for a few hours following the division. If you are concerned about the bleeding, please follow the emergency advice below.
Breast or bottle feed your baby as usual.
Crying – if your baby seems unsettled use pamol regularly for 24 hours.
Healing – the wound may appear yellow/whitish for up to a week.

Please present to the Starship Emergency or a 24 Hour Medical Centre.
Please email us if you have needed to seek emergency help and we will follow up as soon as possible.